Aches and Pains When You Have a Cold.

Catching a cold and flu can sometimes be a pain, literally. Aches and pains are often associated with the common cold and flu and these symptoms can make you feel lousy. Fortunately, aches and pains usually subside after a week and can be relieved with certain over the counter medicines. It is important to consult your Doctor if pain persists for more than 10 days, or if you develop any of the following symptoms:

High temperature over 38.5°C or chills;
Severe headache or stiff neck;
Difficulty waking up or unusual drowsiness;
Severe muscular aches;
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
Even though you many not feel the very best, most colds are generally not too serious and can be treated at home with pain and fever relievers. Most common colds are a result of a viral infection and so antibiotics, which treat bacteria, may not be required.

Simple pain relievers, such as paracetamol (e.g. Advantage Paracetamol®), ibuprofen (e.g. Nurofen®) and aspirin (e.g. Disprin®), are effective in relieving a number of symptoms such as headache, aches and fever. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are available in preparations safe to use in both children and adults, however aspirin should not be given to children under the age of 12.

If nasal symptoms are present with your cold and flu, a preparation like Advantage Cold & Flu Day & Night PE Tablets, may provide you with additional relief. These tablets combine a decongestant with pain relievers for daytime relief, and an added antihistamine for night time relief. As many combined cold & flu products contain paracetamol, it is important to be aware that additional paracetamol should not be taken. Please consult your Advantage Pharmacist if this product is suitable for you/your condition. Additional Advice

Allow your body to rest. Get plenty of sleep to help your body recover.
Warm showers or baths help soothe your muscles and allow you to relax.
Steam inhalations and aromatherapy can be helpful for some people to relieve sinus pain and congestion. See in store for our In Essence and Oil Garden aromatherapy range.
A comfortably hot compress may be held against your face to help relieve sinus discomfort.
Limit alcohol intake, as this can worsen sinusitis and cause additional pain.
Avoid smoking or inhaling cigarette smoke.


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